Mikka was a freedom-loving mischievous kitty cat who loved to roam around and enjoy every bit of her time. She was my friend's cat who currently is going through a hard grieving process. I pray that she will recover from her loss. The pain one may experience from such a heart-breaking incident could make you lose yourself in grief for a while, to the point where you think that you can never love an animal the same way again. But, then when you least expect you encounter a new furry friend and realize that it may be the soul of your dear lost friend coming to see you and be with you again. In the loving memory of Mikka November 10th, 2023
Human Family:
How The Pet Memorial Helps Animals
We help underdog animal rescue squads internationally
Meals are delivered to homeless dogs and cats
Emergency aid for animals in disasters and war zones
Rescue centers turn to us for help with food, sheltering and spay/neuter
Injured, neglected and abused animals are given a new life
We sponsor the protection of both wildlife and farm animals